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You Were Never Lost, Just Deeply Hidden.
Spirituality, podcast Bianca Venchiarutti Spirituality, podcast Bianca Venchiarutti

You Were Never Lost, Just Deeply Hidden.

“These parts of you were never lost, just deeply hidden.” This wisdom settled into my bones after an influx of memories I had lost since childhood resurfaced—right in the middle of the Amazon jungle during an Ayahuasca ceremony. At first, I thought this realization only applied to my own forgotten experiences, but then I understood: this truth is universal. It applies to all of us.

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4 Simple Mindsets to Improve Your Relationship with Food
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

4 Simple Mindsets to Improve Your Relationship with Food

A little bit about me— I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I definitely struggled with restrictive eating during my university years. Now, I am pleased to say I’ve (almost) overcome a bulk of the issues around having a negative body image, critical self-talk, and poor eating habits. It takes time, of course. But I’m getting there. Here are 4 simple ways to create a better relationship with food if you’re struggling with the same things I did…

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