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4 Simple Mindsets to Improve Your Relationship with Food
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

4 Simple Mindsets to Improve Your Relationship with Food

A little bit about me— I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I definitely struggled with restrictive eating during my university years. Now, I am pleased to say I’ve (almost) overcome a bulk of the issues around having a negative body image, critical self-talk, and poor eating habits. It takes time, of course. But I’m getting there. Here are 4 simple ways to create a better relationship with food if you’re struggling with the same things I did…

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4 Reasons to Start Doing Yoga in Your 20s
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

4 Reasons to Start Doing Yoga in Your 20s

Summer of 2020 was the first time I really started enjoying yoga. It was the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and I was needing some sort of release before I started my mornings. That’s when I came across the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene. I highly recommend her 30-day challenge to get in a habit of regular yoga practice.

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