4 Reasons to Start Doing Yoga in Your 20s

Summer of 2020 was the first time I really started enjoying yoga.

It was the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and I was needing some sort of release before I started my mornings. That’s when I came across the YouTube channel Yoga with Adriene. I highly recommend her 30-day challenge to get in a habit of regular yoga practice.

But maybe you’re still wondering if yoga’s for you and why it's great to start in your 20s... Below are 4 reasons why I practice my daily yoga.

1. Boosts Energy Levels

After waking up, I practice a yoga flow routine to get the blood flowing in the morning.

This type of yoga delivers oxygen and nutrients to your muscles while also improving the body’s cardiovascular function.

As a twenty-something year old, you probably have a lot going on. Thankfully, yoga provides a bit more energy to tackle your busy schedule!

2. Promotes Better Mental Health

If you’ve gone to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) before, maybe you’ve heard of mindfulness-based CBT.

This treatment includes many of the same components as yoga, such as relaxation and breathing techniques. In fact, the authentic practice of yoga is a form of meditation.

M-CBT is different from regular CBT in the sense that it focuses on the process of ‘decentering’. This technique allows the patient to separate themselves from distorted thoughts and reach a level of meta-cognitive awareness (being aware of how you think).

Whenever I have feelings of anxiety or depression, I hop on my yoga mat and try a simple 5 minute yoga session to be present and more grounded.

3.  Creates A Sharper Brain

Yoga is associated with your memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language.

Think of yoga as weight training for your brain cells.

Studies with MRI scans have shown that yoga practitioners have a thicker cerebral cortex (information processing) and a larger hippocampus (memory) than non-practitioners. So cool!

It is inevitable that those areas shrink with time.. but practicing yoga can help reduce age-related brain declines in your future

4. Maintains Your Fitness Routine 

Are you someone who’s trying to get into a better fitness routine? Maybe you also need to build up some more strength? Try yoga!

I love weight lifting, but even I can admit that it can be SO intimidating at first.. Not only that, but sticking to the routine without feeling sore or burnt out is the hardest part in the beginning.

Tip: Try prioritizing consistency over progression when you first start weight training.

Yoga both stretches and strengthens your muscles. This practice helps reduce any tension in your spine, improves balance and bone strength, and builds flexibility.

Yoga also releases a bit of lactic acid to help with muscle pain, while also maintaining your strength to stay on track!


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