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The reluctance of letting go of past hobbies/passions.
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

The reluctance of letting go of past hobbies/passions.

I used to be someone whose main hobby was anything related to visual artsβ€”drawing on paper, painting with acrylics, and even spending time creating cute little designs on my nails. However, since your twenties is a time of massive evolution and self-discovery… things change. Let’s dive into how to let go of past hobbies or passions that no longer call to you anymore.

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5 Benefits of Journaling in Your 20s
wellness Bianca Venchiarutti wellness Bianca Venchiarutti

5 Benefits of Journaling in Your 20s

Journaling is an ancient tradition, dating back to the 10th century in Japan. Successful people such as, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, Charles Darwin, and Thomas Edison, all had something in common. You guessed it! Journaling.  Although there are many types of journaling, today, we’re going to focus on journaling for emotional processing.

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