5 Morning Habits You Need to Try if You’re in Your 20s


The toxicity of some morning routines

Mornings shouldn’t always be the same for the rest of your life, or seen as hacks for success…📈

I see quite a lot of morning routines out there talking about the importance of waking up a 5am, doing a polar dump, or high intensity workouts to set you up for the day. As a lover of routine, I can’t lie and say I didn’t try it —But I also didn’t love it.

I believe it’s far more important to tune into what YOU desire for your mornings. Some days you’ll need more rest. Other days you’ll feel like an absolute beast and go for a morning run.

Whatever it is that you feel called to, do it without worrying if it will affect your productivity. In fact, forcing a morning routine can actually decrease your productivity levels.

When forced, you’re choosing to use your willpower—which is a limited daily resource. When choosing a morning habit to remain more aligned, you’re able to preserve your willpower until it’s needed for other tasks. Like sending that email you’ve been putting off. Basically, choose a morning routine that suits your needs.

Strip away the societal and cultural pressures of your strict morning routine and ask yourself : Does this give me more or less energy afterwards?
— Bianca Venchiarutti
@thetwentiesdetox slow mornings of intention >>> a morning to serve capitalism #advicefor20s #morningroutine #unlearning ♬ original sound - Bianca | Advice for 20s

Here are my 5 habits that I rotate in my mornings to feel more aligned throughout your day.

My recommendation: Pick one that resonates with you the most and keep doing it if it feels right. If it doesn’t, next!

1. Do Something Fun or Creative

Suitable for: those who want more meaning in their life.

Life shouldn’t always be serious—if you’re needing a bit more meaning in your life, add more things into your morning routine that makes your heart happy. 

My favourites:

  • Playing the piano

  • Watching my favourite show

  • Watering/caring for my plants

  • Draw (I do some of it on procreate)

2. Write Out Your Thoughts

Suitable for: those who want to learn more about themselves.

I know it may seem basic but journaling is one of the best habits to cultivate in your 20s to understand yourself better, gain more clarity and promote more healing and growth. 

A few types of journaling include:

  • Shadow work—for healing

  • Goal Setting—for direction

  • Visualization—to inspire

  • Gratitude—for optimism

3. Move Your Body

Suitable for: those who want more balanced energy.

Prioritizing movement in the morning is great for those who want more energy for tackling all the day’s tasks but at the same time, it’s great for those who have too much energy—and need an outlet for reducing overwhelm. One of my personal favourites is getting a little 20 min yoga session if I’m feeling stiff in the morning, or need extra grounding.

Other favourites include:

  • Stretching

  • Nature Walks

  • Weightlifting

4. Spend A Few Minutes in Silence

Suitable for: those who want to feel more grounded.

Meditating for even a few minutes is one of the best habits for calming your nervous system down, living more presently, and grounding yourself in moments of stress. 

Benefits of Meditation include

↓ Rumination

↓ Stress

↑ Living presently

↓ Negative emotions

5. Learn Something New

Suitable for: those who want a bit more excitement in their life.

Learning something new everyday has so many benefits such as increased adaptability, understanding and self-confidence. Most of all, it gives you something exciting to do in in times when you feel stagnant. 


  • Learn a new language

  • Take an online course

  • Listen to a podcast

  • Read a book

I hope some of those habits encourage you in the New Year to find what’s right for your mornings! Comment below which habit resonates with you the most <3

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