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The reluctance of letting go of past hobbies/passions.
I used to be someone whose main hobby was anything related to visual arts—drawing on paper, painting with acrylics, and even spending time creating cute little designs on my nails. However, since your twenties is a time of massive evolution and self-discovery… things change. Let’s dive into how to let go of past hobbies or passions that no longer call to you anymore.

Stop waiting for the right moment.
Is the belief of 'having all the time in the world' hindering our growth? I always envied the people who loved change. How they could find it exciting was beyond me. Me? I was always the type of person to hyper-fixate on my to-do lists, and schedules because anything uncertain brought me severe anxiety…

Post-Graduation Blues, Identity Crisis, and Should I Start My Masters?
Today, Bianca briefly sums up what she's been up to during the holidays and spills the tea on what happened on her Europe trip back in the fall.. Next, she dives into about what post-graduation can REALLY feel like. The blues. The identity crisis. The existential question of "what's next in my life" is all covered in this episode, along with 3 TIPS that helped her take her power back while adjusting. Hope you enjoy!