Self-Care vs. Self-Maintenance

The term “self-care,” has been all over social media for some time now.

For a while, I had the misconception of what “self-care” is, until watching a youtube video by alexandragirlytalk. I soon realized, I wasn’t doing anything for my wellbeing other than painting my nails and putting on a face mask LOL.


A task designed to maintain the appearance and function of your body.


  • getting enough sleep

  • making a healthy meal

  • working out

  • buying new clothes

  • getting your hair/nails done

  • showering

  • brushing teeth

  • skin-care routine

  • fake tanning

  • etc.


A levelled-up task to improve your emotional and mental health.

Focus on those that give you a sense of enjoyment or peace, with life.

The goal afterwards is to make the mind, body and spirit more aligned.

So…less maintenance then?

Well, just so we’re clear, I’m not disregarding all the self-maintenance tasks… It's obvious that you must take a shower lol.

In fact, some of them may give you a sense of enjoyment or calmness that makes them also a form of self-care.

I'm just saying to be aware of copying another's self-care routine.

Some people go for runs to reduce the feelings of anxiety, and boost self-esteem. Others feel the same benefits from yoga and meditation.

There is no specific method.

Take care,



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