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How to Love Yourself Even When Your Confidence is Low
Can I be honest right now? It can be really hard to feel confident sometimes. With picture-perfect Instagram photos and romanticized lives online, it’s easy to put down our looks, personalities, and abilities. On the podcast this week, I wanted to share how I learn to love myself even in times of insecurity—because let’s face it, we all do from time to time. The important part is how we deal with moments of criticism and learn to approach them with compassion.

What Is True Self-Love and Self-Care? A Step-By-Step Guide.

A Guide to Preventing Burnout in Your 20s
In this post, I will explain my guide to recovery and prevention when facing burnout. You’ll learn tips on how to recognize your specific burnout symptoms, the consequences of failing to accept them, and how to cultivate better habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Self-Care vs. Self-Maintenance
The term “self-care,” has been all over social media for some time now. For a while, I had the misconception of what “self-care” is, until watching a youtube video by alexandragirlytalk…