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10 Tips for Having a Stress-Free Valentines Day
Valentine's Day has always been somewhat of a mixed experience for me. Despite being in a relationship for three years, I've never felt compelled to make it a huge deal. If you also feel like you’re getting stressed out with the societal pressure of making this holiday a super exciting thing…here’s 10 tips on how to have a stress-free valentines day.

5 Ways to Listen Better | Inspired by Julian Treasure
In January, I posted a video on TikTok about my main goal in 2022 – I wanted to be a better listener. Honestly, I thought I was decent at listening until I met my boyfriend. In the early stages of our relationship, he would let me talk, talk, talk and just sit there patiently. Like a little angel…

How to Stay True to Yourself When Going Through a Quarter Life Crisis
One of the biggest struggles a twenty-something faces is major and abrupt, uncertainty and listening to everybody’s opinion during such a major transition period in your life, can be detrimental. Why? Because living your life in order to fit in other peoples perceptions, limits your ability to grow as a person. Here’s 4 ways to stay true to yourself when dealing with a quarter life crisis rather than fall into conformity.

5 Benefits of Journaling in Your 20s
Journaling is an ancient tradition, dating back to the 10th century in Japan. Successful people such as, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, Charles Darwin, and Thomas Edison, all had something in common. You guessed it! Journaling. Although there are many types of journaling, today, we’re going to focus on journaling for emotional processing.