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8 Things I Wish I Knew in University & College
University is a whirlwind – one minute you're moving into your dorm, and the next you're walking across the stage at graduation. If you're anything like I was, you probably thought you had it all figured out. But hindsight is 20/20, and looking back, there are a few things I wish I had known that could have made the journey a little smoother and a lot more enjoyable

2 Reasons Why Female Friendships Can Be Dramatic
One of the most significant reasons for competition among women is internalized misogyny. This is the subconscious belief system that women are inherently inferior to men and, by extension, to each other. It’s a mindset that is being ingrained in us through societal conditioning—where we learn to view other women as threats or rivals rather than allies.

A Grown Up’s Guide to Setting Boundaries with Parents
When I moved home after university, I didn’t realize how challenging it would be—not just for me, but also for my parents. Since my sister was also away at university, for about 2 years my parents had a glimpse of life before kids. That’s when I realized that moving back home after university was going to be just as much of an adjustment for me, as it would be for my parents…How did I make it more manageable? By setting healthy boundaries.

10 Tips for Having a Stress-Free Valentines Day
Valentine's Day has always been somewhat of a mixed experience for me. Despite being in a relationship for three years, I've never felt compelled to make it a huge deal. If you also feel like you’re getting stressed out with the societal pressure of making this holiday a super exciting thing…here’s 10 tips on how to have a stress-free valentines day.

Making Friends as an Adult: Quality over Quantity & the Feeling of Loneliness
In this episode of the Twenties Detox, I dive into one of the most difficult things I experienced after graduation: the feeling of loneliness, friendship breakups, and making friends as an adult.

5 Ways to Listen Better | Inspired by Julian Treasure
In January, I posted a video on TikTok about my main goal in 2022 – I wanted to be a better listener. Honestly, I thought I was decent at listening until I met my boyfriend. In the early stages of our relationship, he would let me talk, talk, talk and just sit there patiently. Like a little angel…

Being A Better Friend : 4 Green Flags for Stronger Friendships in Life
I bet you’ve heard a lot about the ‘red flags’ in relationships, but what about the green flags? During the transition stage in early adulthood, people in their twenties are both learning and unlearning many things. Not the least of which is how to become a better friend. Yet, we should still look for the positives in our friendships as much as we can.
The Ego’s Defence Mechanisms and How to Snap Out of It
As we all know, we live in a very unconscious world. Controlled by the ego, many people live their lives dysfunctionally, unaware of the present moment. Reactive and defensive behaviour are signs that you are identifying with something (e.g., a belief, a standard, a person, a thing) that needs protecting.

A Guide to Living with your Parents in your 20s
The purpose of this guide is to help you reframe your way of thinking about living at home. Many feel like they're falling behind when it comes to living with your parents, but I’m here to say that it’s possible to continue on your journey of personal growth. Just follow these 5 steps.