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How to Love Yourself Even When Your Confidence is Low
Can I be honest right now? It can be really hard to feel confident sometimes. With picture-perfect Instagram photos and romanticized lives online, it’s easy to put down our looks, personalities, and abilities. On the podcast this week, I wanted to share how I learn to love myself even in times of insecurity—because let’s face it, we all do from time to time. The important part is how we deal with moments of criticism and learn to approach them with compassion.

10 Tips for Having a Stress-Free Valentines Day
Valentine's Day has always been somewhat of a mixed experience for me. Despite being in a relationship for three years, I've never felt compelled to make it a huge deal. If you also feel like you’re getting stressed out with the societal pressure of making this holiday a super exciting thing…here’s 10 tips on how to have a stress-free valentines day.

A journey to self love: the way you speak to yourself matters
Why can't I be smart and pretty like her? I asked myself, while pulling the hood of my sweater over my head.” I’m sure we’ve all experienced moments like these – when we compare ourselves to others, questioning our worth, our abilities, and our appearance. It's a common experience, but one that can have profound consequences on our mental and emotional well-being.

What Is True Self-Love and Self-Care? A Step-By-Step Guide.
4 Simple Mindsets to Improve Your Relationship with Food
A little bit about me— I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I definitely struggled with restrictive eating during my university years. Now, I am pleased to say I’ve (almost) overcome a bulk of the issues around having a negative body image, critical self-talk, and poor eating habits. It takes time, of course. But I’m getting there. Here are 4 simple ways to create a better relationship with food if you’re struggling with the same things I did…